Monday, December 20, 2010

  Smokey – A Rescue Story

Smokey’s story starts out really sad, but has a wonderful happy ending and a bit of a twist so don’t let that stop you from reading about it.

Smokey is a chow mix dog that lived in Green County Ohio with owners Chastity Elliott & Robert (Bobby) Profitt, who took turns beating him with a baseball bat before running him over with their car.
In interviews with WHIO and WDTN Chastity Elliott describes the beating they gave the dog before running him over. She describes the brutal beating with a gleam in her eye. Its scary to think this woman is still out there walking around..

Notice how her eyes look up to the left or up to the right when she talks about the “bad choice” they made and how” sorry” she is. Experts on body language call this a classic sign that someone is lying.

The couple then called animal control to say Smokey was hit by a car…
That was the first story… when the real story finally came out people all over were outraged.
The couple claimed Smokey was aggressive and he had bit a child.
Most places a bite report like this automatically gets the dog put to sleep.
Even if the owner is a liar … and is just covering their own butt.
After all it’s easiest to say it was self defense right? 
That’s what all the cops say…

Smokey’s story caught the attention of an Aussie named Jayne ….
Jayne can put together a face book page faster then anybody I know.
She is responsible for many pages that have helped many animals.
So before the news story was finished,
she had already set to work on doing just that…Smokey’s page gained supporters fast 2,489 people liked the Smokey Page …

Jayne works tirelessly for the animals and I and glad to call her my friend.

Jayne is a member of a Face Book Group named “Underdog Rescue International Voice”  URIV works with rescue people and shelters to help animals like Smokey who would have otherwise been put to sleep.
We are the Page creators, the petition writers, the letter writers, the cross-posters, we all work together using social networking sites to share resources and spread the word…contact the media…ect.
Countless lives have been saved by the work rescue people do online and we are proud to be a part of that.

 Smokey’s story was heartbreaking …these people beat him and then ran him over…tried to cover their own butts by saying he was dangerous…
Then asked, that he be put to sleep … thankfully before this could happen outraged people from all over the world flooded Green County with calls and emails pleading and demanding Smokey be saved all 2,489 of us…

Many people do not understand that an abused dog can be rehabilitated.
In lots of places especially rural areas it is common practice (as barbaric as it sounds) to put the abused animal to sleep. Many are never given a second chance at life ..all because some looser abused them.
This kind of practice is an outrage to animal lovers. We couldn’t let that happen.
Dr. Brown was less then receptive at first…Jayne and members of Uriv along with help from many friends had just helped a dog-named Sarge in Toledo Ohio.
Sarge’s owner and a friend took turns shooting him while he was in a cage….
In all, Sarge was shot 6 times. It was also initially thought Sarge would be put to sleep. His owners also claimed he was dangerous and had bitten them…
Jayne was there to start a Facebook page “Justice for Sarge shot 6 times by his owner” 
5, 206 people quickly showed support.

The Toledo Area Humane Society broke Sarge out of doggie jail and worked with him… they arraigned for him to get accepted at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary…
Sarge now lives at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah where he can remain for the rest of his life… It was the director of the Toledo Area Humane Society, John Dinion who paved the way with Dr. Brown to help Smokey.

Dr. Brown agreed to search for other options for Smokey …
A victory!
Smokey gets to live!

Then on November 8 Smokey has been offered a home in Arizona with the wonderful team at : TARA'S BABIES...

From their website:
“Tara's Babies is a no-kill dog rescue and lifetime sanctuary located in the wilderness of Northern Arizona. We began during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, rescuing dogs and cats left abandoned and homeless by the devastation. We continue to save the lives of dogs facing euthanasia in shelters throughout the USA.”

This serene setting is the perfect place for a dog like Smokey to live the rest of his life ...with no fear and no abuse

His only roadblock now were funds for the trip and expenses… Supporters quickly donated to get Smokey on his way.

Kunzang Drolma flew to Green County to bring Smokey back to the sanctuary and by the pictures and videos he appears madly in love…

Thank you Kunzang for loving Smokey …I know he will be ok now.

The TWIST on this story ..
It was an Aussie who started the page to Save Smokey and Kunzag is also an Aussie ...  

Tara’s Babies You Tube Channel

Tara’s Babies Web Site

Smokey in the yard  in Arizona 

Saving Smokey’s Life was a great TEAM effort and I would like to thank every one of you…
Dr. Brown
John Dinion
Tara's Babies
Jayne C & Underdog Rescue International Voice
All the people who gave support and $$$
Everyone else who helped behind the scenes..
Thanks !

Here’s a little Thank you video from the animals

Animals Thank you & Merry Christmas

If I forgot to mention anyone I am sorry,you are all greatly appreciated !

 Since this all takes place in Ohio,
I would like to post links to 2 other videos concerning Ohio ..

Nitro's Law HB 70

The story of Harrison County Ohio Dog Pound


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