Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bugsy... Shot by the Animal Control Officer called to help him..a sad tale.

 In Williamsburg, Ky...
A big white fluffy dog got lost from his home. A Great Pyrenese known by what was written on his collar..his name: Bugsy.

The Times-Tribune CORBIN — By Megan Williamson / Staff Writer

Reports :
"The shooting happened Wednesday after Whitley Pharmacy employees Alicia Creekmore and Rhonda Rains called Whitley County Animal Control in the hopes the agency would find a home for the stray they called “Bugsy.”
“He was just the cutest thing,” Rains said.
Creekmore, 21, of Williamsburg, said she and many others had befriended Bugsy, who was skittish with her at first, though she was able to later encourage him to eat out of her hands."

These nice people who befrended this stray dog were trying to help him.
They said he was like a neighborhood dog.
No one said he was agressive, he was friendly.
Bugsy was someones lost pet and no attempt was made by authorities to help Bugsy find his owner.When he was so obviously a pet, with a collor with his name on it.
Tell me again why we have animals chipped and pay for license tags ?
They put thier trust into Whitley County Animal Control ~ because they are supposed to help the animals right ?
How shattered that trust must be now.
Employees contacted Animal control at lunch time but they did not show up until 6 pm after a second phone call.
Poor Bugsy had been hiding next to a dumpster to get out of the rain.
Thinking that animal control officer Wayne Perkins was going help taking him to the shelter, checking for a microchip, checking lost dog reports ......
employees lead Wayne Perkins out to where Bugsy is crouching by the dumpster.

Employees stated to animal control they would take the dog if it was going to be shot..
Breanna Rhoades, 20, of Williamsburg said while she was talking to the police that had responded to the call also.
Wayne Perkins shot Bugsy with a 12 gauge shotgun, The first shot missed but the next 2 killed him. People on scene report that Wayne Perkins was about 40 yards away from the dog...
Then he picked up Bugsy loaded him on his truck and drove away without saying a word.
This is straight out Animal Cruelty ....
Bugsy was not charging him, Bugsy was not mean, no one was in any danger...... he shot Bugsy in cold blood.
Below are links to various news media sites with Bugsy's Story...

People are outraged and calling for Animal Control Reform.
Two different groups have stepped up and sponsered petitions for Bugsy
Jayne Cvetanoski of Austraila, has started a face book page to gain Justice for Bugsy.
The page is named ;
"Justice for a stray dog called Bugsy"
Justice for a stray dog called Bugsy has sponsered a petition
Read and sign it here

Jayne is a member of a group named Underdog Rescue International Voice, a newley formed group,with members from all parts of the Animal Rescue Network... for networking to share resources and work online as a team to help get the word out about Animal Abuse.
Members of Underdog Rescue International Voice, recently helped a dog named Sarge shot 6 times by his owner in Toledo,Ohio.
Underdog Rescue International Voice blog spot -

A Rescue Group named Big Fluffy Dog Rescue of Nashville, TN has also stepped up to lend a voice.
Facebook page -
Big Fluffy Dogs has sponsered a Petition
Read and sign it here
Please sign both petitions and please speak out - let everyone know this is not ok !
Shooting a dog is not animal control !
This happens more then people think....
When the people who are in charge show no regard for the life of an animal, is it any wonder why there is so much Animal Abuse going on ?
 Please speak out people its time to make changes now ~ spread the word -

Speak out ~
Kentucky: Secretary of State - Elected Officials
Kentucky State Government: State of Kentucky Government
Mayors Office City of Williamsburg Ky

Spread the word because ...
Knowledge is the light, that shines through the darkness of ignorance ~ Unknown

Anyone who has accustomed himself to regard the life of any living creature as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the idea of worthless human lives."--Albert Schweitzer

World Animal Day Oct 4 2010
