Sunday, January 23, 2011

System Fail – Chapter 2

System Fail Chapter 1

System Fail – Chapter 2

In every society there are followers and leaders. If the leaders have no regard for animals lives the followers will not either. My belief is that animals are treated so badly because of the examples set by people in charge of things.

This is chapter 2 of  System Fail an ongoing article that will highlight case after case of Animal Abuse, at the hands of people from many different walks of life.
In some cases its officials that cause the abuse, in some cases its other people who have influence in some way over a large number of people. Many of these cases slip on past and no one is ever charged.
So when I say System Fail I mean the current system for dealing with animal related issues as a whole.  

Another example of;
People in a position of authority, doing something totally cruel to animals, under the guise of management for preservation.

Wild horse “round up” by the US Bureau of Land Management…. Why is this done with helicopters?  I have read both sides of this issue… ONE question stands out;
If they are trying to help the horses by relocating them WHY are they using such a horrible method to round them up?
Guess who pays for this?

If the leaders have no regard for animals lives the followers will not either.
System Fail

Bugsy’ Story
In Williamsburg, Ky…
A big white fluffy dog got lost from his home. A Great Pyrenees known by what was written on his collar..His name: Bugsy.

The Times-Tribune CORBIN — By Megan Williamson / Staff Writer

 Times Tribune Reports:
“The shooting happened Wednesday after Whitley Pharmacy employees Alicia Creekmore and Rhonda Rains called Whitley County Animal Control in the hopes the agency would find a home for the stray they called “Bugsy.”
“He was just the cutest thing,” Rains said.
Creekmore, 21, of Williamsburg, said she and many others had befriended Bugsy, who was skittish with her at first, though she was able to later encourage him to eat out of her hands.”

These nice people who befriended this stray dog were trying to help him.
They said he was like a neighborhood dog.
No one said he was aggressive, he was friendly.
Bugsy was someone’s lost pet and no attempt was made by authorities to help Bugsy find his owner. When he was so obviously a pet, with a collar with his name on it.
Tell me again why we have animals chipped and pay for license tags?
They put their trust into Whitley County Animal Control ~ because they are supposed to help the animals right?
How shattered that trust must be now.
Employees contacted Animal control at lunchtime but they did not show up until 6 pm after a second phone call.
Poor Bugsy had been hiding next to a dumpster to get out of the rain.
Thinking that animal control officer Wayne Perkins was going help Bugsy… taking him to the shelter, checking for a microchip, checking lost dog reports …...
Employees lead Wayne Perkins out to where Bugsy is crouching by the dumpster.

Employees stated to animal control they would take the dog if it was going to be shot..
Breanna Rhoades, 20, of Williamsburg said while she was talking to the police that had responded to the call also.
Wayne Perkins shot Bugsy with a 12-gauge shotgun, the first shot missed but the next 2 killed him. People on scene report that Wayne Perkins was about 40 yards away from the dog…
Then he picked up Bugsy loaded him on his truck and drove away without saying a word.
This is straight out Animal Cruelty ….
Bugsy was not charging him, Bugsy was not mean, no one was in any danger…... he shot Bugsy in cold blood.
Below are links to various news media sites with Bugsy’s Story…

People are outraged and calling for Animal Control Reform.
Two different groups have stepped up and sponsored petitions for Bugsy
Jayne Cvetanoski of Australia has started a face book page to gain Justice for Bugsy.
The page is named;
“Justice for a stray dog called Bugsy”
Justice for a stray dog called Bugsy has sponsored a petition
Read and sign it here

Jayne is a member of a group named Underdog Rescue International Voice with members from all parts of the Animal Rescue Network… for networking to share resources and work online as a team to help get the word out about Animal Abuse.
Members of Underdog Rescue International Voice recently helped a dog named Sarge shot 6 times by his owner in Toledo, Ohio.
Underdog Rescue International Voice blog  -

A Rescue Group named Big Fluffy Dog Rescue of Nashville, TN has also stepped up to lend a voice.
Facebook page –
Big Fluffy Dogs has sponsored a Petition
Read and sign it here
Please sign both petitions and please speak out – let everyone know this is not ok!
Shooting a dog is not animal control!

This happens more then people think….

When the people who are in charge show no regard for the life of an animal, is it any wonder why there is so much Animal Abuse going on?

 Please speak out people its time to make changes now ~ spread the word –

Speak out ~
Kentucky: Secretary of State – Elected Officials
Kentucky State Government: State of Kentucky Government
Mayors Office City of Williamsburg Ky

Knowledge is the light, that shines through the darkness of ignorance ~ Unknown

Ohio SPCA / Fayette County Dog Pound
Ohio SPCA Fights Abuse in Fayette County Dog Pound  

On Friday, September 24, the Fayette County Commissioners were faxed a letter by John Bell, our attorney.

Ohio SPCA says
"They have 96 hours to correct serious violations of the ORC. Witness statements and pictures received Sept 24 depict horrendous conditions – drop-off kennels that have not been cleaned for 2 weeks, runs full of feces and worms, vomit, and urine, and sick dogs left to suffer."              See Pictures at bottom..Condition of the cages

A sick pup was adopted recently and died within days from parvo. The pup was eliminating 5 inch worms. When the assist. Dog warden was told that she should not adopt out sick dogs, she stated that she would do whatever she wanted.
This is not the first time sick dogs were adopted or given away. And it is not the first time that dogs were left to suffer and die a slow death.

Records received prove that the dog wardens, past and present, have killed STRAY dogs before the 72 hour holding period was up. Some died the day they came in. This is a violation of the ORC, and therefore it is criminal. Dogs are being killed in a homemade gas closet.

Bagged like garbage and thrown away like garbage…this is the fate of the dogs that end up here.

Fayette County has refused to comply with our previous requests.

Ohio SPCA Says,
"We must receive satisfactory evidence of the destruction of the “gas box,” correction of the inhumane conditions at the Pound, and full compliance with the ORC within the next ninety-six (96) hours, or we will file a Mandamus Complaint against Fayette County."

The Assist Dog Warden has been placed on Administrative Leave and we are told that she will not be back. Fayette County needs to hire a qualified dog warden who cares.

Pictures of horrible filthy conditions, uncleaned cages, filthy water and sick and dying dogs. The pictures were taken on Sept. 18 and 19, 2010.

A sheriff deputy was called to the pound when these pictures were taken and he observed the conditions.

So Nasty no where to even sit with out sitting in urine or feces

Drinking water

This poor dog curled up in the only semi clean spot in the cage
These are only a few of the pictures ...

Update on this story Oct 13, 2010

Fayette County Dog Warden Resigns- Sheriff Takes over!

Thank You Ohio SPCA & Sheriff Stanforth ! 

  **Update ** 10-18-2010 Gassing Chamber is torn down!

See video here on the OHIO SPCA youtube channel

The Ohio SPCA is an all-volunteer 501c3 organization. We bring reform to Ohio's county dog pounds (putting an end to shooting and the use of homemade gas boxes and chambers), intercede when animal cruelty is ignored, and operate an animal sanctuary.
Ohio SPCA needs your help with donations to keep fighting Animal Cruelty of all kinds.
Please Help !

Ohio SPCA needs help with Hay for the winter to help click the link below

Smokey’s Story
Smokey - Green County Ohio, Beaten with a Baseball Bat and run over by his owners with a car

Smokey is in the custody of Green County Animal Control, healing from his injuries and awaiting the decision on his fate. His Owners Chasity Elliott and Robert (Bobby) Profitt, took turns beating him with a baseball bat before running him over with their car.
In interviews with WHIO and WDTN Elliott describes the beating they gave the dog before running him over. She describes the brutal beating with a gleam in her eye.
See the 2 interviews below

Notice how her eyes look up to the left or up to the right when she talks the bad choice they made and how sorry she is. Experts on body language call this a classic sign that someone is lying.

The couple pleaded not guilty in court on August 19, 2010

Underdog Rescue International Voice and concerned people around the globe would like to see Smokey go to a place when he can be rehabilitated and loved.
The authorities in Greene County are seeking legal advice before making a decision about Smokey.
The original Owner of Smokey Chasity Elliot's aunt has signed a release allowing Harold Brown of Green County Animal Control to make the decisions about Smokey. That over rules the original release by Elliott and Profitt signed asking that the dog be put to sleep.
Smokey is still part of an ongoing animal cruelty case against Elliott and Profitt so the courts have some say also. Harold Brown legally must comply with anything court ordered.
 Harold Brown says he is not opposed to seeking other options for Smokey, but those options will not include adoption because of the bite record. This means Smokey cannot be adopted to the public. It does not mean that he doesn't get a second chance at life abuse free. It is still possible that Smokey will be allowed to go to someplace like Best Friends Animal Sanctuary.

**Update on Smokey

Smokey has been offered a home in Arizona with the wonderful team at

We need to help get him there, and get his yard ready for him.
Smokey needs our help ..Lets get him outta Greene County Shelter ASAP.
Please share Smokey’s Chip in Donate if you can & Share as much as possible

I have focused on Smokey here because when I originally wrote this article we were still trying to get Green County to give Smokey a chance in an Animal Sanctuary.
But I want to explain why this story is included in the System Fail Article.
Abuse an animal in OHIO and get caught, MISDEMEANOR 18 months is the MOST time in Jail you can get.

Do your part to help make Animal Cruelty Laws tougher in Ohio

Support this group

Nitro Foundation HB 70 Law in Ohio

Please support Nitro's Law HB70 for all of Ohio's animals…
Don’t let Nitro’s Law die like Nitro Did.
Call Chairman Tim Grendell Phone: (614) 644-7718
or Email: of the Senate Judiciary Criminal Justice Committee. Chairman Grendell is able to decide whether Nitro’s Law HB70 will advance.

This next story is hard to watch ...
Jamies Dogs Story
I have included the video ...
This Family was on their way home on new years day driving through Tennessee.
Husband, wife, kids & family dog...
They stopped for gas and Jamie forgot his wallet on the hood of the car.
The cops saw the money flying out of his wallet and "thought" they had a robbery suspect...
watch what happens ...I warn you its hard to watch

This is what Jamie said in an interview with the Early Show

"He comes behind me and handcuffs me," says Jamie. "They commenced to do the same thing to my wife and child. And in the process, the passenger door to the car is left open. And while we're cuffed on our knees, we can be heard at least three different occasions telling them that our pets are in the car. To please shut the door."

This is horrible and what can these people do about it ?
Just imagine how traumatized their children were by this ....

This last video for this chapter is a Baltimore Police Training video

What kind of example does this show ?
Its OK to beat my dog if I am training it ?

If the leaders have no regard for animals lives the followers will not either.
System Fail


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