Thousands of people world wide have made the
It has all been started by a face book page called;
In honor of World Animal Day Oct 4 2010, a founding member of a group called Underdog Rescue International Voice. created the page to help raise awareness to Animal Cruelty.
The pages asks Supporters to show some purple, by changing to profile pictures that have some purple in them. People have been wonderfully creative..
The pages asks Supporters to show some purple, by changing to profile pictures that have some purple in them. People have been wonderfully creative..
Since its creation date on Sept 21, 2010 … Over 15 Thousand People have shown us some purple...
Turn your profile Pictures Purple !
The Purple Page was so popluar in such a short time,
it was included in the
WORLD ANIMAL DAY celebrations for October 4th 2010.
ON LINE event in the EVENTS DIARY 2010..
it was included in the
WORLD ANIMAL DAY celebrations for October 4th 2010.
ON LINE event in the EVENTS DIARY 2010..
Help spread awareness - GO PURPLE. !
Big thanks to everyone..who helped make this happen.
Since then, Purple Pages & Groups are popping up everywhere in support of the Purple Choice.
Help Raise Awareness !
Speak out today and show us your purple !
To join or like these groups and pages click on the name to go to that group or page.
The original Page that started Purple
Please turn Facebook purple for one week to highlight animal cruelty awareness
I was asked to list other purple groups that have started to support the original Purple Page in SUPPORT of this great cause so they will be listed here.
(just click the name to go there)
Some of our members purple pics ! SHOW US YOURS !